Proper Tree Planting in Michigan

Proper Tree Planting: 8 Easy Steps

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Trees are an essential part of any landscape. By following proper tree planting methods, you can ensure your investment provides returns for many years. Properly planted trees can help you reduce cooling bills, clean the air, and beautify your yard.

The next time you’re getting ready to plant a new tree, keep the following eight steps in mind….

Proper Tree Planting: Tree & Site Selection

When choosing your new tree, make sure to pick one that can thrive in your climate & region. Keep in mind how tall the tree will eventually grow and consider how large the root system will be once fully developed.

Site selection consideration should include how large the tree’s mature canopy & root system will grow. Choose an area where the roots and canopy won’t interfere with existing shrubs, trees, walkways, and structures.

Proper Tree Planting: Hole Digging

As you dig a hole for your new tree, make sure to dig a square hole rather than round. Dig the hole only about as deep as the root ball is tall, and dig out the sides of the hole about three times as wide as the root ball’s diameter.

Be careful not to too the hole too deep as one of the biggest reasons why new trees don’t survive is being planted too deeply.

Proper Tree Planting: Trim & Plant

Depending on where you purchase your tree, it could need a quick trim before being planted. Carefully inspect your tree and remove only the dead branches/roots to give it a better chance at surviving in its new home.

When moving the tree to the hole, it’s best to handle it by its root ball or its container, rather than by its trunk. Once it’s in the hole, gently remove as much burlap or other foreign material as possible. Make sure that the top of the root ball is level with the ground adjacent to the hole. 

Proper Tree Planting: Backfill

Gently add the soil you dug out back into the hole, without tamping down or packing, which can cause damage to the fragile roots. The first watering will help the soil to settle.

It’s important to only add the same soil back into the hole, without any fertilizer or amendments.  

Proper Tree Planting: Staking

Consider staking your new tree to provide more stability in its early growth stages. Stakes should be used for about 6 months and never longer than a year. Once your tree reaches a year old, its root system will be able to keep it steady and allow it to grow naturally as it builds strength to withstand the elements.

Proper tree staking is essential so the root ball doesn’t become damaged. You might consider hiring a professional arborist to stake the tree for you. However, if you prefer the DIY approach, make sure the stake is driven down deeper than the root ball and right through it between roots.

When attaching the tree to the stake(s), use gardener’s tape or zip ties and make sure the tree has room to sway in the wind.

Proper Tree Planting: Mulching

Mulching your new tree is critical to ensure the tree retains moisture when watered. However, over mulching (covering the trunk or root flare) can be worse than no mulch so be careful about how much mulch you’re using.

Don’t trap too much moisture on the root ball or trunk because doing so provides a breeding ground for disease and decay.

It’s best to think of the mulch as a moat around a castle. Doing so keeps the moisture within easy reach of the developing roots.

Proper Tree Planting: Watering

Your first watering of your new tree helps settle any soil that wasn’t correctly packed down. Trees prefer a deep soak rather than more frequent sprinklings so take time when watering.

For the first few years, aim to water your tree weekly with 6-8 gallons per inch of trunk diameter.

After a couple of years, you no longer have to water your tree unless drought conditions are present.

Proper Tree Planting: Caging

If you live anywhere where rodents are deer are problems, it’s a good idea to build a barrier around your new tree to protect it until its established.

Good materials for tree caging include hog wire or mesh around stakes that are placed outside of the root ball area.

Trust the Experts at Once Call Tree Service

Planting trees is a great way to transform your yard. By following these easy steps, you can avoid common pitfalls and enjoy shade & beauty for years to come.

As your trees grow and you need help with trimming or other tree care concerns, the professionals at One Call Tree Service can help.

Our arborists have been providing professional, personalized care to customers throughout the entire Mid-Michigan region for nearly two decades. Contact us today to book your free estimate!