Mid Michigan Tree Pruning

New Tree Care: 6 Tips

There are many benefits of planting tree on your property such as beautification of your landscape, increasing property value, and reducing energy expenses. New tree care is vital to making sure you leafy investments thrive for many years to come.

Read on to learn how to take care of your new trees with these 8 easy tips:

New Tree Care: Watering the Root Ball

Root ball care & maintenance is critical for the long-term survival of any tree. Paying attention to the watering of the root ball is the most important aspect of new tree care.

Keeping the root ball well watered helps aid in the healthy development of your trees so it should the first thing you do when planting a new tree. The key is keeping it wet but not soaked.

New Tree Care: Watering Schedule

Creating a watering schedule for your new tree will help ensure its survival throughout the years. While each tree has specific watering needs, the general rule is to water young tree every 2-3 days. Ideally, you want to ensure each new tree receives 10-15 gallons of water each week.

As the trees grow and mature, keep your watering schedule to 8-10 gallons of water per inch of tree diameter.

Additionally, make sure to avoid watering the leaves & trunks of a tree. Water should be directed towards the root ball to ensure adequate water reaches the tree.

New Tree Care: Soil Concerns

Another major tip for taking care of young trees is to check the soil regularly. The health and condition of the soil play a direct role in a tree’s ability to grow and thrive over time.

do so, simply dig some dirt from the ground directly beneath the canopy. Then, roll the soil around with your fingers. If the soil is wet, there is no need to water it. However, if it feels barely damp or dry, it is time to water it again.

New Tree Care: Make Sure to Mulch

Although mulch is not necessary to grow a tree, it can be very helpful. This is because mulch is used to help trees retain their moisture, ward off weeds, and help control the temperature of the soil.

However, you must be careful not to add too much mulch as it can also create an environment that is cool, damp, and attracts pests, diseases, and fungi.

New Tree Care: Check the Leaves

Although you should not be watering the leaves, taking the time to check their condition can tell you everything you need to know.

Leaves that appear to be dry or shriveled are an indication of the fact that the tree is being under-watered.

New Tree Care: Pruning

Lastly, it is typically safe to prune trees in the late winter or early spring. A general rule: If the plant flowers before June 1st, prune it during or shortly after flowering.  If it blooms after June 1st prune it in the late winter or early spring before flower buds are visible.

When pruning, prune back to or just above a growing point (branch or bud) or to the soil line. Make sure to never leave a stem or branch stub.

New Tree Care: Call the Experts

Overall, if you are looking for the best ways to take care of a young tree, this list of tips is a great place to start.

Although there are always exceptions depending on unique climates, the species of the tree, etc., these recommendations are a general foundation that can help you take care of trees from their very early stages.

If you find yourself in need of new tree care by professional arborists, call the Mid Michigan tree experts at One Call Tree Service today!