Mid Michigan Tree Risk Assessment

Tree Risk Assessment: Protect the Longevity of Your Investment

Trees are an important investment in any landscaping plan. As they begin to grow and mature, signs & symptoms of illness/disease can appear. Tree risk assessment helps you to decipher what those shed branches and decaying bark means. A proper tree risk assessment helps identify conditions that create and/or cause failure.

As trees start to grow & mature, it is more likely to start showing signs and symptoms of being sick. It can start to shed branches, develop decay, and/or other conditions that can create and cause failure.

Tree Risk Assessment: Michigan Homeowner’s Responsibilities

As a homeowner, it’s important for you to understand the overall health of your trees. Doing so can help you stave off potential damage to your home and even save a life.

If you neglect trees that are in bad condition, you can set yourself up for pricey repairs when your insurance company refuses to cover storm damage. Existing trees in bad condition that aren’t taken care of prior to storm season can be categorized as negligence by your insurance. If your claim is denied, you are responsible for 100% of any remediation costs.

If you aren’t sure how to conduct a proper tree risk assessment, trust the experts at One Call Tree Service.

Tree Risk Assessment: Trust the Professionals

Professional arborists are trained to identify signs & symptoms of a dying, diseased, and/or dangerous tree. They can quickly and efficiently help you learn what aspects of your trees need attention.

Furthermore, professional arborists can supply you with a detailed plan of action so you can more easily tackle projects prior to storm season. By being proactive with your tree risk assessment scheduling, you can save yourself stress AND money.

Tree Risk Assessment: The DIY Approach

If hiring a professional arborist doesn’t fit into your current budget, there are things you can do on your own to help maximize the life of your trees and minimize damage to your home.

Some things to look for include:

  • Leaning trees
  • Imbalanced tree canopies
  • Broken/ hanging branches
  • Dead or dying limbs
  • Cracks in the bark
  • Root decay (will have soil odor by the root)
  • Bug infestation (ants, bark beetles, etc)

Tree Risk Assessment: When to Hire an Arborist

If you find any of the above issues with your trees, you might have to medicate, trim, or even remove the tree(s). In order to properly do any of this, it’s best to hire a professional arborist to help you determine the best course of action.

The team at One Call Tree Service can come to your property, conduct a FREE estimate, and provide you with a list of recommendations with their associated costs. Call us today to schedule and rest assured knowing your property will be ready for any storms headed your way.